Our Book Reviewers
To request a book review email: attheinkwell@gmail.com
Benjamin Schmitt
Benjamin is the author of three books, most recently Soundtrack to a Fleeting Masculinity. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Sojourners, Antioch Review, The Good Men Project, Hobart, Columbia Review,and elsewhere. A co-founder of Pacifica Writers’ Workshop, he has also written articles for The Seattle Times and At The Inkwell. He lives in Seattle with his wife and children. Learn more at www.pacificawritersworkshop.com.
Kait Walser
Kait is a poet and copywriter living in New York City. She currently hosts and curates At the Inkwell’s NYC reading series. She was the founding host and curator of Union Square Slam, where she also co-facilitated workshops. Kait holds an MFA from Wilkes University, where she earned the Wilkes-Etruscan Press prize. She served as an inaugural Artist-in-Residence at the Delaware Highlands Conservancy’s Lemons Brook Farm. You can find her writing online and in print.
Elizabeth Cohen
Elizabeth Cohen is a writer, editor, journalist, mama, and dog person who hails from New Mexico. She is the author of five books of poetry, a memoir, a book of short stories, and a co-authored book about the first Navajo woman surgeon. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Columbia and recently retired from her position as a professor of English from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh to work on her writing and as a full-time book coach. Her newest book of poems, Martini Tattoo, was published in the fall of 2022 from Alien Buddha Press. Learn more at www.elizabethcohen.net.